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Prehnite Point

Prehnite Point

Regular price $7.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $7.00 USD
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Prehnite is a mineral that typically occurs in shades of light green to yellow-green, although it can also be colorless, white, gray, or even brown. It's composed of calcium aluminum silicate and often forms as botryoidal or granular masses, as well as tabular or prismatic crystals.

Prehnite is commonly found in association with other minerals such as calcite, quartz, and epidote, and it's often found in volcanic rocks and hydrothermal veins. It's known for its translucent to transparent appearance and its vitreous to pearly luster.

Metaphysically, prehnite is believed to have various healing and spiritual properties. It's associated with qualities such as peace, tranquility, and inner harmony. Prehnite is often used in crystal healing practices to promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and enhance spiritual growth and intuition. It's also believed to facilitate communication with spiritual beings and enhance dream recall.

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