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Small Epidote points

Small Epidote points

Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
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Epidote is a fascinating mineral known for its distinctive green color and various metaphysical properties. Here's a comprehensive overview of epidote:


  • Color: Epidote is typically green, ranging from pistachio green to dark green. It can also occur in brown, yellow, or nearly black colors.
  • Chemical Composition: Epidote is a calcium aluminum iron sorosilicate mineral with the chemical formula Ca₂(Al,Fe)₃(SiO₄)₃(OH).
  • Crystal System: Epidote crystallizes in the monoclinic system, forming prismatic or tabular crystals. It can also occur in granular or massive forms.
  • Hardness: Epidote has a Mohs hardness of 6 to 7, making it relatively durable for various uses.


Epidote is found in metamorphic and igneous rocks worldwide. Significant deposits are located in countries such as Austria, Norway, Switzerland, the United States (especially in Alaska and the Northwest), Pakistan, and Mexico.

Appearance and Uses

  • Appearance: Epidote often occurs as elongated prismatic crystals or as aggregates in granular or massive forms. Its green color and glassy to pearly luster give it a distinct appearance.
  • Jewelry: Epidote is used in jewelry, primarily in cabochons, beads, and carvings. It is less commonly used in faceted gemstones due to its relatively low transparency and cleavage.
  • Decorative Items: Epidote is also used in decorative objects, sculptures, and carvings due to its aesthetic appeal and unique color.
  • Metaphysical Uses: In metaphysical practices, epidote is believed to possess various energetic properties and healing benefits.

Metaphysical Properties

  • Energy Amplification: Epidote is known for its ability to amplify energy, making it a popular stone for enhancing intentions, manifestations, and personal growth.
  • Spiritual Growth: It is associated with spiritual growth, transformation, and insight, helping individuals connect with higher consciousness and inner wisdom.
  • Emotional Healing: Epidote is believed to support emotional healing, especially in releasing negative patterns, trauma, and limiting beliefs.
  • Abundance and Prosperity: Some believe that epidote can attract abundance, prosperity, and opportunities by enhancing one's confidence, creativity, and manifestation abilities.

Care and Maintenance

  • Cleaning: Clean epidote with warm, soapy water and a soft brush or cloth. Avoid harsh chemicals and ultrasonic cleaners that may damage the stone.
  • Handling: Handle epidote with care to prevent scratches and chips, as it can be brittle in some cases.
  • Storage: Store epidote separately from harder gemstones to avoid potential abrasions.

Epidote is a captivating mineral with a range of metaphysical properties, making it a popular choice for both aesthetic and energetic purposes. Whether used in jewelry, decorative items, or healing practices, epidote adds a touch of natural beauty and energetic vitality.

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